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28 Jul


Loop Magazine Vol 6

18 Jul

Loop Magazine

Oakley X Sino

30 Jun

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Gary Shove and Patrick Potter presents 42 x 12 The Cult of the Fixed

20 May

Featured is our boy Arm in this hot off the press fixed gear book of riders around the globe.

Cop one off here now!


9 Mar

Heft on Wheels: A Field Guide to Doing a 180

“Take one very large guy. Add booze, cigarettes, and an extreme amount of junk food. Mix in a wry, self-effacing wit. Throw in a bike. The result? Heft on Wheels, a potently funny look at turning your life around, one insanely unrealistic goal at a time.

Not that long ago, Mike Magnuson was a self-described lummox with a bicycle. In the space of three months, he lost seventy-five pounds, quit smoking, stopped drinking, and morphed from the big guy at the back of the pack into a lean, mean cycling machine. Today, Mike is a 175-pound athlete competing in some of the most difficult one-day racing events in America. This irreverent and inspiring memoir charts every hilarious detail of his transformation, from the horrors of skin-tight XXL biking shorts to the miseries of nicotine withdrawal.

Heft on Wheels is an unforgettable book about getting from one place to another, in more ways than one.”